Wednesday 2 March 2011

Scoring System

I've realised that if I'm to find the perfect cheese sarnie I need a quantifiable means of comparing them
After much thought a system has been developed that should thoroughly cover the relevant areas
There are to be five areas where points can be awarded.
Each area is scored out of 10 giving a total score of 50 which will then be reduced by a factor of 5 to give a final mark out of 10

The criteria are:
Overall Flavour - The final balance of flavours is what distinguishes a great sandwich from a sub-standard one
Cheese - It's the star of the show and as such deserves it's own special mention
Cheese/Bread Compatabilty - Soft White or Hearty Granary? Sometimes a cheese needs a particular type of bread to really bring out the flavour
Cheese/Condiment Compatibilty - Sharp or Sweet? Does it over power the cheese or help cut through a cloying variety?
Build Quality - If a sandwich falls apart so you end up eating everything separately it's no longer a sandwich but bread and cheese

I'll be revisiting my earlier examples in order to give them a fair appraisal with this new scheme
I'll also be introducing tasting notes and some benchmark sandwiches such as Cheese Salad and Cheese & Pickle etc

Recipe submissions are always welcome as long as they don't involve Marmite as I believe it to be the culinary extension of the Darkside and it should not be allowed in the food chain!
For those of you who are not aware of Marmite's origins it is the waste product from beer production
As we all know Beer = Good so by default since it is a waste product Marmite must equal Bad! Simples!
And I don't want any arguments from any deranged fans of this foul smelling dark matter either. It's my Blog, I make the rules!

Also there will be no meat in any of my sandwiches since I am a Vegetarian. Actually I'd describe myself as a Vegan with a cheese addiction but that's another story...


  1. Sounds great, other than your rampant Marmite-ist tendencies are rather disturbing. Still, as you say, your page your rules.

  2. HAHAHA... Surely, surely beer is just a happy bonus of the marmite making process?

    Can I recommend:

    Polish bread (any - i'sall good!) cut to 3/4 inch slices
    Grated Red Leicester
    Grated Strong Cheddar
    Unsalted butter - on one slice only though, pref bottom
    High quality mayonnaise (Pref polish) on't other slice
    Thick cucumber
    Thin tomatoe (place between the two cheeses)
    and the secret tweeker - salt and shake crisps (thin layer) with the salt put in the very middle

    Its a personal fav = but super basic.

    (Note - all tasty bits must be fresh that day - of course!)

    Let me know how she scores?

  3. *Note /without/ salt for the crisps*

  4. I did wonder about the salt bit I have to say!
    Have you got a name for this creation?
