Saturday 2 April 2011

Cornish Yarg with Grape - 8.5/10


Fresh baked Farmhouse Multiseeded loaf hand cut into think slices
Cornish Yarg
Sliced Red Grapes
Spinach, Rocket & Watercress Salad


Cheese : 8.5/10 – A unique cheese. Soft and creamy on the outside to crumbly in the centre with a slightly tangy mouldy flavour from the nettle leaf rind. A first for me and one I'll be repeating!

Cheese/Bread : 8.5/10 – The bread gave a wonderful base to the delicate flavour of the cheese

Cheese/Condiment : 8.5/10 – The soft creamy areas of the Yarg make me think of a firm Brie and the grapes/ mixed leaves complimented this perfectly

Build Quality : 8.5/10

Overall Flavour : 8.5/10 – A really well balanced sandwich with a lovely interplay of flavours

Final Score : 8.5/10


  1. What's your bread source... last three have been the same, I was intrigued by where it's from are you home baking?

    I've developed a serious dislike of the so-called, in store baked loaves in supermarkets. It's got to the stage where I think it's worse than the factory made bread you get bagged in a loaf.

    But like most things I've probably headed down a serious bread snobbery route, you can blame it on 'that London'.

  2. That particular loaf was a Sainsburys in-store bakery loaf which was actually very nice and did compliment these cheeses very well. It was a particularly big loaf though and I don't like waste so I ate cheese sandwiches everyday until it had gone hence 3 posts going up at the same time!
